Monday, January 30, 2006

In Shane's World...

He is the alpha-dog.
There are cookies on demand.
No cat is left unchased.
No opossum is left unvanquished.
He... rules.

And why not. He's the sweetest dog you'd ever want to meet. Everyone who comes to visit is his new best friend. That is, as long as they don't try to hurt his family.

Too bad he doesn't get along with his cousins [sigh]. It would be cute to see them together, but alas, he'd think they were puppy chew toys, and we just can't have that now can we.


Sometimes I wonder what they say to each other in their silent, cat's only communication.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

In Better Days

My pretty jewel, Jasper.

Kitty's not doing very well.
Fur over bones now.

Such a beautiful girl.
Can't tell from the pic, but her eyes are crystal blue.

[Update] Jasper has a problem with her thyroid (hyperthyroidism) which she is now on medication for.

In two weeks, we check to see if her kidneys are okay. The thyroid problem can mask the early stages/signs of kidney failure. Hopefully, all will be well after the next blood test.

All in All, good news.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

To Sleep, Purr Chance To Dream

I wonder if cats dream?